My Faith or God’s Faith?

Views: 4141

By Eugene Prewitt



  • Wicus

    Hi Eugene. This idea of the faith of Jesus seems to have, in my limited experience, three different schools of thought. I’ll try and explain, then I was wondering whether you’ve encountered the same, and what your thoughts are about the third one in particular.

    (1) First is that the faith spoken of is the faith of the believer in Jesus.
    (2) Second is that the faith spoken of is the faith of Jesus, that is to say, Jesus’ faith (belonging specifically and uniquely to Him alone), as opposed to our faith in Jesus.
    (3) Third is perhaps a sort of blend between the two: The faith of Jesus is the quality of faith that Jesus had, which may be appropriated by the believer. I’ve heard it expressed in the following terms: “Our faith in Jesus produces in us the faith of Jesus.” (That quality of faith, presumably, imparted to us.)

    I’m not sure whether or not I’m describing these ideas accurately, but I hope it makes some kind of sense.

  • Ken Mindoro

    Do you have a link to the Tolstad article mentioned here?

    • Eugene Prewitt

      Found it! (but for sale…). Looks like I spelled his name wrongly. It is Sigve Tonstad.

    • Eugene Prewitt

      I think, Ken, that it was a friend of mine that gave me a paper copy of that man’s dissertation. I no longer have the paper and don’t find anything online about it. So, no, I can’t reference it properly. Try Fred Bischoff and I think you will find its source.