Magabook Canvass

April 11, 2013

Views: 9889

By Eugene Prewitt

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Memorize word for word what is in each box and know the additional information.

Practice smiling while you memorize!


Door Approach Hello, my name is ______.  We’re students working on a special scholarship project, and instead of selling junk food or magazines, we decided to offer something more lasting/healthy.  I’ll let you take a look. [Put the book in the hand]


Choices/More Choices offers the latest information in healthy cooking.  The meals are prepared in just 30 minutes or less.  They’re low fat, low cholesterol, and taste great!

Additional information:

–  Each meal shows the prep time, cooking time, and how many it serves (so you can really schedule your time when you are busy)

–  There’s a nutritional analysis chart in the back (so you know what you are getting from each recipe and includes a diabetic exchange in case you have friends or relatives with special health needs) (only More Choices has the diabetic exchange!)

–  Pictures (they show what the food should look like J)

–  Over 140 recipes (Choices) or over 160 recipes (More Choices)

–  Includes international dinners

–  Not only are the recipes healthy, and quick and easy to prepare, but taste really good (often sometimes healthy things either don’t taste so good, or they take so long to make!) [This is for when they are flipping through and you need some fillerJ]


Bridge to the Spiritual Book

If you are wondering who puts these out it is the world-famous Bible story company [show them in the back] that you have seen in doctor and dentists’ office.  They have a great set for kids, as well as for adults.  Do you get time to read?

Additional questions/comments:

–  What do you enjoy reading, when you get the time?

–  This is a sample of their adult material

–  This is one of my favourites of the adult series


Peace Above the Storm is a beautiful devotional that helps deal with every day problems like worry, guilt, stress, grief, and fear.  It is a step-by-step guide to not only gaining, but also maintaining a relationship with Jesus (which I am sure you will agree is important for new and old Christians alike).

–  Precious Promise pages (promises that help you get through the day)

–  “Chicken Soup for the Soul” type stories—short and inspiring (for when you are busy)

–  Large print (makes for easier reading when you get up in the morning, when your eyes are still tired J) (even though my eyes are still young, I like the large print, too J)

–  Given to soldiers during World War II in a smaller version (to help them through what they were going through)  (It has been encouraging us for a long time!)

–  Written paragraph by paragraph, so you don’t have to read a whole chapter at once to get a blessing

–  Show the chapter “The Power of Prayer” on page 83, and real the pull quote on page 84 (or any other chapter or portion that has been a personal blessing to you)

– Read the quote on the bottom of page 87—“keep your wants, your joys, your sorrows, your cares, your fears…”


He Taught Love is a beautiful devotional type book on the parables of Jesus.  Its stress-relieving and inspiring stories will help you find strength to meet each day.

–  It has helped me understand the parables better

–  At the beginning of each chapter it shows you where in the Bible it is based (so you can study deeper or use it as a guide in Bible study)

–  Provides freedom from worry, guilt, stress, and fear

–  Print is easy to read

–  Show the chapter on the little lost lamb and read the quote from page 58, “The sheep that has strayed…”

–  Read the pull quote on page 52—“Not one sincere prayer is lost. Amid the anthems of the celestial choir…”

–  So practical that it even has child-raising tips [for moms]


The Desire of Ages is like a harmony of the gospels.  It takes Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and combines the stories in chapter form.  Of the 10,000 books in the library of Congress on the life of Jesus, this is one of the most used and asked for.

–  At the beginning of most of the chapters it shows you where in the Bible it’s based

– Great companion book for reading through the gospels

–  Share your favourite quote [“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” is a great chapter]


The Great Controversy is our bestseller of the adult reading books.  It covers the last 2,000 years and shows how Bible prophecies have been fulfilling.  It comes down to the present showing how America and current world events fit in.  [show picture on page 224] Chapter 29 helps answer the question, [say with feeling] “why would a God of love allow so much sin and suffering?”  It also makes Revelation easy to understand and climaxes with Christ’s second coming, our hope! [show picture on page 249]

–  [flip to the contents page] It begins with the Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and traces the pathway of freedom from the dark ages till now.  I love the stories of how our forefathers stood for what they believed in. It is a rebuke to me, but gives me so much courage!

–  So Bible-based that I know of someone who counted 40 Bible references on one page!

–  Shows how history proves the Bible to be true

–  [for those who say they read the Bible] This is for Bible scholars or those already familiar with their Bible

–  Written kind of like a novel, except that the stories are all true

–  Covers the rise of spiritualism and the occult [show picture on page 201]

–  Show the historical appendix in the back

–  Read the pull quote on page 232. Mention the importance of the Bible and explain that these books are not meant to take the place of the Bible, but help you understand it and take you back to your Bible [for people who are likely to say they read ONLY the Bible]


God’s Answers to Your Questions is a quick reference to Bible topics.  It answers a lot of the most commonly asked questions about the Bible, like “What happens after death?  Is there a hell? and How can I experience salvation?”  Notice [flip inside] the questions are in bold, and the answers are from the Bible (so you’re not getting anyone’s opinion).

–  Great for non-readers

–  In the front it shows the 24 topics that it goes through, even including topics like Vibrant Health and Financial Security [this is a great saver if they happened to open up to the page on the Sabbath, or you just want them to start flipping through the book]

–  Alphabetical index in the back (that helps you find the answer to your question faster)

–  Great for young people/teens because we have a lot of questions [when speaking to parents of teens]

–  Great to have as your kids are growing up (I’m sure they are asking a lot of questions already) [when speaking to parents with younger kids]

–  Great if you or your friends have a question that you don’t know the answer too [when speaking to young people/teens]

–  Based on the King James Version of the Bible

–  Historical references, too


Pathways to Health and Happiness is written especially for families.  It has chapters on how to deal with addiction, depression, health, and family conflicts.  It is a blueprint for a happy home.  It shows how Jesus had a ministry of healing the sick and broken hearted and how He still wants to do the same for us today.

–  Written especially to bring hope to hurting families [when they have told you of their family troubles]

–  I like the last 4 chapters that cover topics like “why God allows trials in our lives, how to know God’s will for your life, and how to deal with people”

–  There is a chapter just for the mother (because often her work isn’t appreciated as much as it should be.  Your children are your biggest missionary field!) [this is for mother’s only—show her the chapter and read the pull quote if she seems interested]

–  Saves money on Doctor bills if you can put the health principles into practice

–  Has information that we cannot possibly get on our short visits to the doctor


Bible Heroes tells the stories of the greatest heroes of the Old Testament—men and women of true character. It brings out moral and character building lessons like obedience, respect for elders, and sharing.

–  Once your children have read these stories they will consider it an honour to say “no” to wrong

–  Shows at the beginning of each story where it is found in the Bible (so when they get a little older they can look it up in their own Bible) or (so the older ones can find it in their own Bible)

–  It gives your kids good heroes to follow, instead of the ones on TV

–  They’ll learn to stand for right even under peer pressure

–  Stories come from Uncle Arthur’s famous blue Bible Story set

–  Stories are short, just 5-10 minutes long, so great for bedtime stories

–  Life-like pictures help the children realize the stories are real


Jesus Friend of Children covers the life of Jesus from the Christmas story to the Easter story.  It shows how He died for them and wants to be their personal Friend.

–  Helps your children understand the true meaning of the holidays

–  It is the gospel story for children

–  Stories come from Uncle Arthur’s famous blue Bible Story set

–  Stories are short, just 5-10 minutes long, so great for bedtime stories

–  Life-like pictures help the children realize the stories are real

–  Calls at the end of chapters for the children to come to points of decision to give their lives to Jesus


My Friend Jesus is for the younger children.  Bright, colourful pictures, with rhythm and repetition help hold your little one(s) attention and bring them to the understanding early that Jesus wants to be their personal Friend.

–  Activity ideas between the chapters (to help illustrate the lessons of the story) or (when mom needs something to keep them busy on a rainy day)

–  Can be used as a beginner reader.

–  Even uses sound effects like [turn to page 1] Clip, clop, clip, clop…

–  Life-like pictures that help the children realize the stories are real

–  Read page 10


Set Close

What we do is leave the books on a donational basis.  In bookstores books like these would run for “Bookstore Price,” [show price on the back of the book] but your neighbours have been helping out between “Our Price” or you can choose the ones best for you. We accept cash or check, whichever is more convenient for you.  I will also leave you with a receipt with my name on the bottom so that you know who you helped through school.  Please pray for me, too. Which ones are you most interested in?  [reclose] Whatever you give is fine, it will help me out with my schooling.


# of books

Bookstore Price

Our Price


Around 15



Around 30



Around 45



Around 60



Around 75


For the price of a set that includes a cookbook, add 10 dollars to the “Bookstore Price,” and 5 dollars to “Our Price.”


Happiness Digest drop down

[“Not interested” or “no money” objection] Ok, that’s fine.  They gave us a little one [hand it to them] that helps deal with stress and gives you a smile on a down/raining day.  I can leave it for a small donation.  Whatever you would like to give is great.  Most people help with just a few dollars or whatever you would like to give. [“No thanks”] They want us to leave it with as many as possible, so they said we can leave it for just a dollar or two.  Pocket change? [no] Ok, that’s fine. J Some people still like to help out with a small donation besides.  Is that something you would like to do today? Or “Would you be interested in just helping out with a small donation besides?” [be sincere]

–  [If you didn’t already say this with the Peace] This one was printed in a small version for soldiers during World War II.  It has been encouraging us for a long time!

–  We can all use a little more happiness, right? J

–  [if they really are not sure, and it is true for you] This book has been such a blessing to me personally.  I have read it cover to cover ___ times.

–  [if it’s true] this book has helped me through many rough times.


Magabook drop down [when they don’t want the whole set]

If you could have just one, which one would you be most interested in?  The reason I asked is because they said we could leave a sample book and when you want to order something later there is order information in the back.  For the sample most people have been helping with around ten dollars.

Additional Sales Items:

Kids in the Kitchen

            Health Power



Once you have learned the canvass, ask your leader for information on selling these.