Guide L Ed ch 32-35 Fe ch 36 and 59

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By Eugene Prewitt

Philosophy of Adventist Education

Study Questions on the following chapters from Education: Preparation, Co-operation, Discipline. And from Fundamentals of Christian Education, Expulsion of Students, Correct School Discipline.


FE Chap. 59 – Correct School Discipline


  1. What responsibility did the school have for  the temptations attacking unruly students in 454:1?
  2. How did some teachers undermine the “principal and his co-workers”?
  3. This sympathy led some students to “brave out” their course of action.
  4. Discipline staff meetings made things worse. Why?
  5. How might false sympathizers view “efforts to repress evil”?
  6. Give one example of an “insipid speech” that was given by the teacher that the students thought was cool and, as we might say today, “with it.”
  7. Which students were under special obligation to make the most of their student life and to cause the least disciplinary problems? 455:1
  8. What changes (list them) does EGW mention will come to the troubled students when they are converted?
  9. “None who deal with the youth should be _________________, but should be ______________, __________, _____________, __________, and _________________.”
  10. In 456:4 “rebuke” seems to be a superlative form of “reproof.”
  11. How might a student sicken the soul of a fellow student that is “feeding on Christ”? How do Christ and the angels feel about similar behavior? 457.2
  12. How might a student respond (with words) to one tempting him to nonsensical activity?
  13. Thought question: Why does a chapter on school discipline have so much to say about frivolity?
  14. How do men who will one day become apostates react when the Word’s of God are brought to them through His chosen messengers?


Chap. 36 – Suspension of Students


  1. Does it appear that the strong school discipline practiced by the recipients of this chapter was a virtue or a vice?
  2. Under what condition was EGW in harmony with expelling students from school?
  3. When a student has been expelled, will it be helpful to inform the student body regarding what wrongs he has done to deserve such treatment? Is the answer to this question given in the first paragraph related to revealing his wrongs to the students while the wrong-doer is present, or after he has left the school grounds?
  4. What result did Ellen White say, in the name of the Lord, would be the result of disciplining easily misled students properly?
  5. Disciplinarians should keep in mind that they are not dealing with ____________?
  6. Sometimes rich persons despise poor persons. Sometimes White persons despise Black persons. We say these are narrow-minded views. More common than these, in church, is the view held by those who have inherited comparatively virtuous characters. They despise those who have inherited much worse characters. The latter ought to be pitied and helped with regard to his handicap.
  7. What characteristics (three) in teachers have made “bad work” out of their disciplinary mistakes? 277.1 (found near the bottom of 278)
  8. What is a danger is working to deal with Satanic attributes in the students under your care? 277.1 (found 278:0-279:0)
  9. When and why do our unlovely traits “flash forth”? (i.e. why = for want of …..)
  10. Genuine love for souls will prevent one from magnifying “a small indiscretion, or direct wrong into a large unpardonable” offence. What does it mean to “make capital of others’ misdoings?
  11. T/F  It will never be necessary to expose another’s wrong.
  12. Memorize: “O tell the erring, ‘God loves you, God died for you.’ Weep over them, pray with them. Shed tears over them, but do not get angry with them. They are Christ’s purchased possession.”
  13. Complete this thought: If we wish to do good to souls, our success will be proportionate to their belief in . . . .
  14. What does it mean to be “advancing ideas of what he may become”?
  15. Memorize: “Those who try our patience need most love.” OR [your choice] “The rough, stubborn, sullen dispositions are the ones who need help the most.”
  16. What arguments (two) does EGW urge as a reason we should not treat students “as they deserve”?
  17. Should students a great distance from home be suspended/expelled on a different basis than those living near home? Why?
  18. What impact does the practice of true principles of discipline have on our own advancement as Christians? See 282:1, but do not write an answer.
  19. 284:1. EGW knew that many “officiating” in our schools were not themselves converted; hence they were not tender. They worked at cross purposes with God in reference to the youth.


Education, chapter Preparation


  1. Who should receive formal education with as much diligence as elementary school teachers? Ed. 275:1, 276:1. Secondary school is a great place for this to happen. Why (from lecture) is it not sufficient to meet the need? What else might help?
  2. Infant mortality has fallen off sharply in the United   States since EGW wrote 275:2. What part of the reproof is still as valid as ever?
  3. Before “taking upon themselves the possibilities” of having children men and woman should learn some things. List them. 276:1
  4. Know the idea in 276:3


Preparation continued


  1. Teachers should have a thorough character education.
  2. Know the content of the four paragraphs that describe progressive qualities that teachers should have. (1st is 277:1, 2nd 277:3, 3rd 278:4, 4th 278:6-279:0)
  3. The teacher that teaches good principles will only have a permanent impact for good if he is revealing . . . .
  4. Being heart-weary and brain-weary makes it very difficult for a teacher not to have ____________, _____________, and __________________. How might he avoid the cause that leads to these moods?
  5. What are three aspects of over-work that EGW mentions that teachers such specifically guard against?
  6. How might the teacher lead his students to have a respect for and an interest in manual labor?
  7. More important than the amount of learning that a teacher has acquired is the ______________ at which he ______. 278:5
  8. A teacher should have aptness for his work. For a science teacher, this means aptness at both science and teaching. For a history teacher, at both history and teaching. The teaching part is essential. This is not a question. If a teacher has this, even if he lacks some in literary qualifications, his students will follow him up the knowledge ladder as he climbs. He can do a great work.
  9. What kind of home-training leads youth to regard all discipline as unnecessary restraint?
  10. Who has the job of transforming characters that are misshaped at home?
  11. What does the vacillating ease-loving student need? The discouraged student?
  12. What, practically, would a teacher do who carries his “children and youth upon his heart”? (from lecture)
  13. The teacher must model self-improvement for his students who he expects to excel at their work of self-improvement. This leads true teachers to become extreme people. See Ed 281.2.
  14. What determines how a teacher feels about his personal defects?
  15. The calling to teach is too high for humans. God comforts teachers personally. Know at least one of the comforting promises on page 282.

Cooperation, Education ch. 33       


  1. When parents work together in educating their children, these children will not be causes of disturbance and anxiety in the school room.
  2. Parents that put their heart into this work will not be found __________________ the teacher.
  3. How is the influence of the faithful, self-sacrificing teacher well-nigh destroyed in 284:1?
  4. Necessary criticism should be made in private to teachers, or if that fails, to the church board. It should never come to the attention of ______________________.
  5. What particular knowledge do parents have that true teachers need to do their work well?
  6. True teachers will rouse parents to recognize and discharge their sacred duties. 284:5
  7. Not only should parents cooperate with each other, and teachers with parents, but children should be taught that they are part of the home “firm.” [Firm is a name for a business organization, a productive company.] Understand 285.1
  8. How might the teacher give an outlet to boys who are restless and disorderly and insubordinate? Don’t be too general.
  9. This chapter highlights a general principle of education that makes it easier to see how sports programs undermine true education. Think this through.


Chap. 34 – Discipline


  1. What should children learn first…to reason, or to obey? See also 287.2 for timing of the second element.
  2. It is “gentle, persistent” effort that accomplishes this goal. This prevents the “later conflicts” that show up (usually in the teen years) “which create alienation and bitterness toward parents and teachers.” This is not a question.
  3. Memorize: “To direct the child’s development without hindering it by undue control should be the study of both parent and teacher.”
  4. What are two reasons EGW urges us not to “break the will” of a child?
  5. What, practically, can a teacher do to help his students in light of the fact that “the surrender of the will” is so much more difficult for some than for others?
  6. What do you think EGW means by “his work may not appear to the best advantage” 289.2?
  7. How practically can a true teacher increase a sense of ‘honor’?
  8. When a teacher senses the working of a restless mind, what might he do that would be more helpful than “watching”?
  9. How might this principle carry over into the form of our imperative sentences?
  10. Rules are the voice of the school when the principles in them are placed before students in such a way that they can see their justice. See 290.2. This is not a question.
  11. Memorize the principles in the paragraph 290:3. The words are not needed, but it might be the easiest way to memorize the principles.
  12. Not love, but _____________________ tolerates disobedience in the home or school.
  13. What are methodological symptoms of sentimentalism on the part of parents and teachers? (290:4)
  14. Youth love freedom and liberty. In education they are to be taught that these are enjoyed only in ___________________________________.
  15. Know 291.4.  Censure bewilders. Know the rest of it.
  16. Explain briefly how censure may lead to hopelessness. How is hopelessness “often concealed”?
  17. Step B is “point him to the source of pardon and hope.” What is step A?
  18. What practical thing may a teacher or parent do who is tempted to speak impatiently?
  19. What kind of students should receive especial tenderness (292.3)?
  20. EGW says that the golden rule should be applied to all. Then she names some classes of students in particular that we should treat as we would like to be treated. What are these classes?
  21. What three qualifications does EGW give in 293.1 as pre-requisites to expulsion?
  22. What does EGW mean by the idea that schools should be cities of refuge for students? (I mean, what does she say about that idea?)
  23. Exaggerated statements of reproof are evidence of a lack of humility on the part of the reprover. See this point in 293.2.
  24. True teachers will feel that it is better to err rather on the side of mercy than of justice.
  25. What kind of students often most readily melt under kindness?
  26. Know the idea in Hebrews 5:2 and that teachers should be like Jesus in this respect. (294:3)
  27. The last portion of this chapter is different: It is about how to handle the natural discipline that comes from living.
  28. What kind of sympathy would be doing harm to youth that meet with misfortune in their life?
  29. Why is self-pity such a pity?
  30. Youth should be taught that this world is not a parade ground, but a ____________________.
  31. The test of character comes when we are faced with burdens that need to be borne and that bring no earthly recognition or reward. Know this point.
  32. Those that tend to escapism tactics in dealing with problems could learn a better way from 295:3. What is that?
  33. What benefits should youth be
    taught might be derived from their faults and mistakes?
  34. What reasoning does EGW use to deny that denial of selfish desires is sacrifice?
  35. Know the suggested watchword of education (it is two words J).
  36. When Jesus removes something from our life, he provides something better. This is a model for teachers. If we take something, give something better in return.
  37. How does EGW characterize two methods that are not likely to “avail in leading youth” to give up their dear sins?
  38. How does it come to be that duty becomes a delight and sacrifice a pleasure?
  39. Memorize: “The love of Christ constraineth.” 2 Corinthians 5:14.

For the Word Document: L_Education 32 to 35,_FE_36,_59