Guide K Ed ch 24-31 less 30

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By Eugene Prewitt

Philosophy of Adventist Education

Ch. 24 Education Study Notes

Manual Training


  1. The fourth commandment enforces labor. What blessings does manual work bring according to 214:1.and 215:2?
  2. Those who would be children of God should notice that God is a constant worker and imitate him. All creation is active. This is not a question.
  3. How would you answer the Adventist who urged the houses are an imitation of the Babel builders and that those who would be ready for translation should live in a garden and that if God wanted us in houses He would have caused boards to grow instead of trees.
  4. God found the earth in a chaotic state and ordered it. How can we experience a joy akin to His in our life on this earth?
  5. Ellen White recommends sports for little children. Their “sports” should promote spiritual growth. “As he gains _____________ and ____________________, the best recreation will be found in some line of effort that is ______________.”
  6. What occupations are often sought by youth who do not feel in themselves the dignity of labor? Why?
  7. Many branches of study are not essential to usefulness or happiness. What examples does Ellen White give of classes that might be superfluous to a young lady?
  8. What knowledge must that young lady have to promote the usefulness of her husband and the development of her children?
  9. How do ladies think about men that enjoy the activities in 216:3 (217:0)? Ladies can write what they think and men should write what they think the ladies think. We will compare notes in class.
  10. Ellen White wrote that ladies should know how to use the hammer and the saw. Thought question: What would she think if she knew that many men today don’t know how to use them?
  11. Which stories or passages does EGW suggest serve well to illustrate how God honors toil?
  12. Compare the Ouachita Hills program to 218:1. What improvements might you suggest that would bring the program more into line with this paragraph without ruining the health of students or staff, and without lengthening the program? Or should the program be lengthened?
  13. In your opinion, does the trade of canvassing qualify for a fulfillment of the counsel of 218:2? Why or why not?
  14. Missionary activity has suffered for a lack of funds caused largely by the constant and pressing need of educational subsidy for our schools. What do you think about this in light of 218:3-218:4?
  15. Evaluate 219:1 for principles. What ideas in the paragraph are true for all ages? What ideas were true a hundred years ago, but not so true now? Be prepared to defend your answer in harmony with your epistemology.
  16. What kind of ambition could be a plus in educational work? How might that ambition influence occupational choices? Weren’t our schools established to train missionaries? How does 219:2 fit in with this goal?
  17. What solution does EGW suggest to the problem of swelling numbers of unemployed and criminally occupied persons?
  18. Books are heralded as sources of deep and penetrating thought. What does Ellen White say that tends to contradict this general opinion? In what way is her statement not a contradiction of this opinion?
  19. Ellen White speaks of success and failure in the work of ministers, missionaries, and teachers in 221.1. These are the occupations we train men for at OuachitaHillsCollege. What kinds of practical knowledge ought our students, according to this paragraph, be certain to acquire?
  20. If your parents are willing to deny their selves to save money and pay for your education, how might that help not be as helpful as they expect? What lessons might you not learn that way?
  21. Teach the youth that the goal of education is neither to help students escape disagreeable tasks, nor to secure the greatest gain to themselves. What, then, is its aim according to 221:3-222:0?
  22. How might useful work be done in such a way as to remove from the doing of it much of God’s intended blessing?
  23. What impact would effective manual training have on the life of the workaholic?



Chap. 25 – Education and Character


  1. Memorize 225:1
  2. What reason does EGW give for making character building a larger issue today than it was in past ages?
  3. What motive, when used to appeal to students, make education a “perversion of the name”?
  4. What passage of scripture does EGW use as evidence that we ought not to compare ourselves with others?
  5. What “root of all evil” is at the base of general educational practices for youth?
  6. Cheating, cramming, and menacing individuals are each the result of an educational philosophy that encourages strife for the supremacy. This is not a question. Just recognize that it comes from the book.
  7. How can beauty of language work against the needs of the readers of literature?
  8. What is the impact of pleasant fictitious literature on society when it has no immorality?
  9. Science becomes dangerous as it is “mingled with the _____________ and ___________ of men” that tend to infidelity.
  10. “License is liberty.” This falsehood is promoted by spiritualism. What does it mean?
  11. Youth is the time when the greatest temptations face youth. Understand the relation of the timing of true education to the hormonal system of man.
  12. EGW speaks of the “worldwide dissemination of the same teachings that led to the French Revolution.” What teachings is she talking about?
  13. What, according to Is. 33:6, will be the source of our stability in these times?


Chap. 26 – Methods of Teaching


  1. Ellen White speaks of how memory has been taxed disproportionately to other powers of the mind. What other powers of the mind could be taxed in school?
  2. How does burdening the mind with that which can not be used affect the mind?
  3. Memory work is one extreme. What, briefly, is the opposite extreme is educational philosophy?
  4. What lesson might God have intended to teach by putting the word “good” into the name of the forbidden tree?
  5. What kind of discrimination is only available to those that depend on God for aid in their reasoning?
  6. Takes notes on what the teacher has to say about group lectures and individual meetings in regard to educational methods.
  7. Teachers, imitating Christ, should discern the __________________ in every human being.
  8. What kind of efforts will always be encouraged by the wise teacher? (I am looking for the answer in 232:2 as opposed to many other right answers that could be given.)
  9. What does the word “application” mean in Ed. 232:3?
  10. What kind of natural restrictions do students tend to place on their own studies? In other words, what kind of studies do they tend to focus on?
  11. “Natural ________________ indicate the direction of the life-work.”
  12. Teachers should teach largely by ________________________.”
  13. Why are entertainers in the Hollywood scene so successful at keeping men’s attention? What might even those that despise drama learn from them?
  14. Do you understand the principles being presented in this chapter? Do you perceive that they are true? State them briefly in your own words.
  15. How far should students advance in educational lines, according to 234:1? How can this be harmonized with “A Speedy Preparation”?
  16. Does it appear to you that Ellen White would recommend annual placement tests that would determine whether or not a college student could go on to the next year’s study? Be prepared to defend your answer.
  17. What could EGW mean when she speaks of studying language from a “higher point of view” than the knowledge of grammatical rules? What kind of “habits of speech” does EGW indicate should be taught as part of a school program? Be thorough. Include in your list principles up to 236.
  18. How does EGW balance her own statement that children need appreciation, sympathy, and encouragement?

Chapter 26 continued.


  1. Ellen White uses language as an illustration of what can be done “with every other study.” What should each study aim to develop?
  2. Of what branch of study is this more true than with others? (p. 238)
  3. In light of 238:3, what impact would a daily watching of the news have on society?
  4. What elements of history does EGW indicate would be helpful to study in 238:4? (RF)
  5. The Web of Humanity. This is a phrase EGW uses elsewhere, similar in thought to “the great brotherhood” in 238:4. This is not a question. These phrases represent part of the “broad” and comprehensive views of life gained from correct study of history.
  6. Ellen White introduces methods of teaching math (figures). What kind of homework does she suggest? Thought question: Over the course of 30 years of real life, how would the practicality of this type of math teaching compare to the typical Algebra I, II, III program?
  7. Note: The word “niggardly” in EGW’s day meant “selfishly protective of one’s money, unwilling to make reasonable expenditures.” Since that time “nigger” has come to be a denigrating term for persons of the black race. Because of the danger of misunderstanding, the adverb form “niggardly” would not be a good word to add to your working vocabulary.


Chap. 27 – Deportment


  1. Memory work: “Many who are kind at heart lack kindliness of manner.”
  2. College handbooks, under the heading “deportment of students” typically deal with issues of male/female relationships. What is the chief subject or theme of the chapter “Deportment” in the book Education?
  3. Name three “elements of power” that each person may possess. If all may possess them, why do some consecrated persons lack them?
  4. Teacher Sheila McPhereson has noticed that her students are morose and mean-spirited and that they avoid her when she lets them out of the third-grade classroom for recess. What might she do about these problems?
  5. How may sincere and upright persons mar their own happiness and their service of others?
  6. EGW indicates that the “rules” of etiquette do not teach true courtesy. How should we, then, relate to accepted customs of propriety? What kind of customs should we ignore?
  7. What do you understand EGW means by the term “conventionalities” in 241:1?
  8. EGW contrasts courtesy with etiquette in regard to our relation to those persons and things that do not meet an “artificial” standard. Courtesy always shows respect. This is not a question.
  9. How may culture fail to accomplish its ends? Contrast American culture, in this respect, with other cultures. Do this in your mind, not on paper.
  10. What is a “sense of propriety” as listed in 241.4?
  11. In the Ministry of Healing EGW speaks of God’s people “perfectly” reproducing Christ’s character. Here in the book Education, in 241.5 she lists some of the characteristics that are to be “perfectly reflected” in his children. List them.
  12. The memorize Jn. 13:34 and I Corinthians 13:4-8.
  13. What two ingredients inspire true reverence?
  14. How might religious meetings in school contribute to the teaching of true reverence? How might they be conducted so as to undermine true reverence?
  15. Justin prays like this, “Dear Lord, please help us to understand the Bible, and Lord, give us peace. Please Lord, for we need your wisdom, Lord Jesus. . . .” What is lacking in this prayer, according to 243:5-244:0?
  16. What does it mean to “paraphrase” the Word of God to “point a witty saying”?
  17. We are to show, as we have seen in the last questions, true respect for our God, for his presence, his worship, his name, his inspired Word. What other aspect of reverence for God should be manifest in the lives of students according to 244:3?
  18. Memorize the quoted portion of Leviticus 19:32 (from 244:4)
  19. Fathers and mothers represent God to their children. This truth should lead them to reverence their own positions…to treat their responsibilities as sacred. This is not a question.



Philosophy of Adventist Education Study guide on Education, chapters 28-29


Chap. 28 – Relation of Dress to Education


  1. Fashion and Appetite have some things in common….they demand a great deal of time and energy and resources from their servants. The former competes powerfully against teachers in their work.
  2. Which of the reasons for not serving fashion, as found on 246, apply to today when fashionable clothing may be purchased quickly, and when there is enough money around to dress fashionably and still eat well and give generous offerings?
  3. How, according to 247:2, does fashion militate against the aim of the teacher? How in 247:5?
  4. What relation might one infer as existing between dress and dishonesty in young ladies from 247:2 and in fathers in 247:3?
  5. Who is the “she” in the phrase “a greater display of her power” (247:4)?
  6. Ladies coming to school in the 19th century did not bring a change of clothing. They wore their articles both for class and for recreation. This is not a question.
  7. What practical advice did EGW give for breaking “the spell of fashion” that rests on the youth?
  8. Memorize and understand “Plain living is indispensable to high thinking.”
  9. Ponder: We read earlier that many life’s joys and blessings are forfeited to a lack of thought and courtesy. We may think that large donations to distant projects and long-term commitments to great endeavors constitute the significant investments of our life. This chapter highlights the value of miniscule investments of time and attention. In the light of the value of these small investments, fashion’s demands for some portion of our time and money becomes treacherous. (247.7-248.1).
  10. What is a “mandate”? From which sources ought our clothing mandates to arise? (i.e. I am looking for the three correct motives of clothing values found in 248.3).
  11. What does “becoming” mean in 248:4? Appropriate? Note: On the latter point, other counsels of EGW indicate that clothing should be “appropriate” to the weather, the gender, the vocation, and the shape/size of the individual.
  12. Compare the first and last sentences of 248:5. What type of individual does it seem EGW had in mind, in the last sentence, as evaluating character on the basis of dress?
  13. Other than modest dress, what other precaution must be practiced before a young lady can claim the “shield from a thousand perils”?
  14. How might persons come to realize that character may be beautiful or ugly—that godly people ought to adorn themselves with holiness and righteousness? (i.e., 249.3)?
  15. Read the article “Notes on Dress” and respond to it with a two or three paragraph critique of its strengths and/or weaknesses.


Chap. 29 – The Sabbath


  1. EGW draws from the words “that you may know” in Exodus 31:13,20:11, the idea that the Sabbath was intended to be part of true education. Notice this is the first paragraph of the chapter. What is it to teach?
  2.  While EGW links the Sabbath with education in the first paragraph, she links it with another vital long-term part of our life in the second. Which part of our life?
  3. When your little children think “Sabbath” what should that word bring to mind, according to this chapter?
  4. Thought question: Have you noticed families where the children, when grown, are very close to their parents? How does EGW suggest, practically, that you might bind your children forever close to your own?
  5. Multiple Choice: Ellen White suggests, as a pattern of Sabbath School Study, (A) Seven days of intense study (B) Study Sabbath Morning and review in the Sabbath School, (C) Study Sabbath afternoon and daily review with illustration through the week, (D) Class room discussion led by the person who really studied.
  6. What practical way does EGW suggest that parents may remedy the weariness of their children with the sermon?
  7. Despite all the superlatives in this chapter, it is the shortest in the book. This is not a question.


Philosophy of Adventist Education

Study Notes on Education ch. 30, Faith and Prayer


Introduction: Remember that in the chapter “Schools of the Prophets” we learned that in those educational centers, students learned not only that they ought to pray, but how to pray; not only that they ought to exercise faith, but how to exercise faith. That is the theme of this chapter.


  1. In 253:1, what does faith do? (i.e., an example of one thing that it does would be “accepts God’s righteousness.”)
  2. T/F   When a wicked man aspires to help his mother clean the home because she is sick and old, this is evidence that the Spirit of God is working on his heart.
  3. What is the manifest condition that summarizes the conditions on which each of God’s promises is based (253:3.b)
  4. Where can we find the things God has promised (tricky question)?
  5. T/F   Every man is given a measure of faith.
  6. What must a man with his gift of little faith do to enable his faith to grow?
  7. How does EGW explain Paul’s assertion that God calls “those things which be not as though they were” Romans 4:17?
  8. The chapter bids us see the power of God’s word in creation. Where (list two sources) does she direct our gaze to see the power of faith in the life?
  9. Write briefly…what does EGW mean that “we each walk alone.”
  10. “As a shield from temptation and an inspiration to purity and truth, no other influence can equal the sense of __________________________”
  11. Timid Tim will find life to be a burden as he shudders under the stress of one confrontation after another. What, alone, could banish the fear that ruins his happiness? What Bible stories would especially be helpful to one such as Tim? What idea would he a help to ‘the self-distrustful” who lack of self-reliance leads them to shrink from responsibilities?
  12. What positive trait often lies beneath the negative habit of being resentful under wrong or provocation?
  13. What method, or “how to” of faith is pointed out on page 257? The answer I am looking for is “beholding.” So I answered this one for you. Know the answer in case I ask it again. By beholding persons in the Bible that had strengths of character where we have weakness, and by beholding Jesus in particular, faith lays hold of power and changes the life.
  14. How would you suggest help to Bible Teacher Elder Homer when his plan for the class has the students studying faith in early September and then studying prayer in late November?
  15. List items that we may ask for and be sure that we receive them, according to the Bible and Ed. 258:1?
  16. Which branch of one’s prayer experience alone “sustains the soul life”?
  17. What lesson does EGW draw from the fact that Moses, when in the mount, saw the pattern of the sanctuary that Israel was to build?
  18. What qualification must a teacher have who is to teach “these” “lessons” to his students (259.2)?
  19. What practical reason does EGW give for why the teachings of the Bible have so little impact on the youth?
  20. T/F   Treating the Bible as a book of good moral instruction, to be heeded so far as is consistent with the spirit of the times and our position in the world tends to prevent skepticism and infidelity in the youth.
  21. Who must give workers “time to think, to pray, to wait upon God for a renewal” of their powers?
  22. What is the impact of having devotional exercises hurriedly?
  23. Do not memorize the following, unless you want to, but be able to make a practical application of the passage to today’s life:


“As the apple tree among the trees of the wood,

So is my Beloved among the sons.

I sat down under His shadow with great delight,

And His fruit was sweet to my taste.

He brought me to the banqueting house,

And His banner over me was love.” Canticles 2:3, 4.  {Ed 261.1}

For the Word Doc: K_Education_24-31_less_30