Guide H Ed ch 13 to 15

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By Eugene Prewitt

Study Notes for Philosophy of Adventist Education

Chapters 13, 14 and 15


Chap. 13 – Mental and Spiritual Culture


  1. In a previous chapter EGW spoke of laws governing our spiritual, mental, and physical nature. In this chapter she speaks of one law that governs all three. In your own brief words, what does that law say?
  2. If the goal of education is to fit men for this life and the life to come, the Bible contains all the ___________________ that we need to understand to be educated.  Thought question—are ___________________ the only things school is intended to teach?
  3. In Steps to Christ EGW says that some Bible reading is a positive harm (p. 110). This chapter indicates that even a hasty reading is helpful. Compare the passages and state in your own words how the two statements can be harmonized.
  4. What suggestions does EGW make in this chapter to those that hope to discover deep and buried truths in the scripture? Does she, in this chapter, give more attention to the study of context or to the comparison of various parts of the Bible?
  5. EGW speaks of a supernatural “structure” to the Bible that allows it to be studied in a way calculated to strengthen the mind. Be prepared to discuss: Does this savor of the verbal concept of inspiration? When she speaks of poetry the sweetest and most sublime, does she mean that the Holy Spirit authored the poems? Or that the prophets were the world’s most gifted poets? Or something else?
  6. The chapter speaks of two mental exercises that, during Bible study, strengthen the mind. One is the exercise of searching and comparing various parts and trying to see the harmony between them. What is the other exercise? And what solemn warning is connected with not practicing the exercise?
  7. The heart that is longing for something, what part of religion is it that will fill those cravings?
  8. What, alone, can limit the possibilities for development in the mind of the one that connects with the mind of God by studying the scripture?
  9. Books of the Bible have a central theme. Does the Bible have one? (ok, the answer is “yes”). What is it?
  10. In your own words, what is the key to understanding the treasure house of God’s word?
  11. If we offered a Masters Degree is Soteriology, should it be a Master of Arts, or a Master of Science degree? (This is a thought question only.)
  12. Memory work: Ecclesiastes 7:12. Hos. 8:12. Jer. 33:3. Due on Monday, October 5, 2003.
  13. Write 126:5 on a third-grade reading level (ie. Very simple words)
  14. How do you understand the ideas on page 127 that we will recognize the voices of our angels at the resurrection because we learned to “distinguish and love” those voices here on earth?


Chapter 14

  1. What is the difference between “inferences” and ‘implications.’
  2. This is not a question: In Creation Science class, for those that have not yet taken it, we will explore in some detail the evidences in science for the creation and flood models. In this class (Education) we will discuss the scientific theories that one might postulate from the principles of pre-planned healing mechanisms in an earlier chapter.
  3. Think about EGW’s arguments from Coal and Oil. Would slowly buried organic deposits yield the vast fields that now exist? This is a significant argument.
  4. Summarize as a list the weaknesses of scientific conclusions listed in 130:2. Which of them is an axiological weakness? Why would axiology play into a paragraph such as this?
  5. Consider the paragraph 131:0. Would it shake your faith if a mechanism was discovered (none discovered to date) that explains by natural causes the pumping of heart cells? Be prepared to discuss.
  6. A common and fundamental metaphysical question regarding theology is whether God is personal or impersonal (a force, a power). What paragraph (pg:para) answers this question directly?
  7. Practice grasping 132:2, 3, 133:1. What evidence do you see in the last of these that David also stretched his mind by trying to grasp large ideas?
  8. When we studied axiology, we studied the ideas of being valuable because something is morally right, and also being valuable because it is pleasing. Since then we have spoken of other aspects of axiology. Some things are valuable because they have meaning and purpose. In 133:2 (beginning “it was the Maker, called 133:1 by the CD ROM) speaks of another aspect of axiology—being valuable because of a need. What kind of a God do we need?
  9. Contrast the last paragraph on 133 with I Cor. 8:1. How can both be true?
  10. Think about Hebrews 11:3. Is it useful to try to convince an atheist of creation? Why or why not? Does Hebrews 11:3 answer the question?


Chapter 15


  1. What book of the Bible seems to have been designed especially for business persons?
  2. Find five passages in Proverbs with business principles that are NOT listed in the chapter, and that are not paraphrases or slight adaptations of principles listed in the chapter.
  3. Pick three of the passages listed on 135 and 136 and be prepared to give a five minute talk about these principles on Tuesday, October 3, 2006. Some students will give the talk in class without prewarning (unless this is a prewarning). The more interesting the talk, the better. That might help you pick your three passages.
  4. The epistemological question “is there such a thing as absolute truth” finds a definite and direct answer on page 137. What truth does EGW use to answer the question? Understand what she means.
  5. What little-recognized fact or principle does EGW allege lies at the foundation of business ethics?
  6. Each man has “his work” according to EGW. What three characteristics (pg. 138:0) define the work that a man is to do?
  7. How may a Christian businessman, or worker, be assured that God will make Himself responsible for the success of the business or the work? There is more than one required point.
  8. What debt of Paul’s did EGW say also belongs to each of us?
  9. Memory Work, Pro. 11:24,25. Due Wednesday, October 8, 2003.
  10. Does Pro. 3:9-10 promise wealth on the basis of tithe-paying? Think about this. Compare Lev. 26:3-6. Does this passage speak of extra provision or sufficient provision as the blessing to be expected?
  11. How may one “lend to the Lord”?
  12. Read the experience of Job as a wealthy man (page 142). Think about how God’s principles would have brought that about?
  13. How does Pro. 10:22 contrast the riches from the Lord and those gained otherwise?
  14. Did you read all three chapters (13-15) carefully? (I mean, without skipping sentences or just glancing at paragraphs).


For the Word Document, see: H_Education_13-15