Guide F Ed ch 8 and 9 and FE ch 56

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By Eugene Prewitt

Study Guide

Education, chapters 8 and 9

Philosophy of Adventist Education


  1. What was the residence of the Son of God prior to the incarnation?
  2. Thought question: Why would Jesus be called the “Everlasting Father”?
  3. Who is Jehovah in the Old Testament?
  4. Several of the men studied in the last chapter resurface in the opening of chapter 8. The virtues of these men were, cumulatively, to serve the same purpose as the incarnation of Jesus, but on a much dimmer scale. Not a question.
  5. Men had established a standard for themselves, in terms of character development and educational excellence. They did not measure up to God’s standard. How did they measure up to their own?  What relation did “appearance and profession” hold to “true excellence”?
  6. The teachers that arose from “time to time”, do you suppose that they were Jews? Or “heathen”? Or both?
  7. The fact that these men made “no lasting impression,” sounds pessimistic. Does this mean they were, ultimately, useless?
  8. List four adjectives that describe the traditions and speculations of the Jews in Christ’s day? 75:0 (74:4)
  9. Religion led to materialism. How so? Describe the cause and effect.
  10. 75:1 is philosophical. From Theology and Cosmology came conclusions about basic epistemological questions. Men ceased recognizing even the idea of “truth.” Society’s ethics adapted to match their anthropology. Axiology reflected a new set of ultimate values. If you understand these sentences and their relation to 75:1, you are done with this question.
  11. Men did not become atheist. Rather, they came to regard God as such a one as ________________________.
  12. Are religions today also a system of “exaction”? What about “grace” religions like modern evangelicals?
  13. The “impress” of demonic powers, does it show on the face?
  14. From 76:2 (76:1?) what were Christ’s purposes in coming to earth?
  15. Does love accumulate over time? Thought question.
  16. Did Jesus have a social gospel? How does his gospel (76:3) compare to the social gospel today?
  17. 76:4 is philosophical. If Ethics are revealed by God, how can they be other than arbitrary? And how can the law be a pledge of “eternal life” when none of us can earn our way to heaven?
  18. The chapter began speaking of a need of “power” being added to the race. 77:1 speaks of principles being the agent in regeneration. Are these principles, then, the power? If not, how are they related?
  19. As religion declines in ______________, it tends to increase in _____________. 77:2
  20. Jesus sought an education from “Heaven-appointed sources”. What were these?
  21. Our Messiah lifted men and reached their hearts by three great gifts. What were these? 78:3
  22. Empathy. Jesus had it like no other. Not a question.
  23. How did Christ’s great love and sympathy display itself in relation to his opportunities to “reprove” sinners?
  24. How did Christ’s presence lead men to evaluate their strategic values?
  25. In what hallmark did Jesus recognize hope that he could life men higher?
  26. How did he inspire these hopeful cases with hope in themselves?
  27. How do you understand the statement “realized that they were still men”?
  28. How did Christ’s life escape the regular pattern of noble needs interspersed with a marred lifework and a lagging trust?
  29. When in prayer, what did Christ seek before he was satisfied?
  30. Jesus directed men to study God directly. 81:2.
  31. The ability of Jesus to anticipate the future affected his teaching. How is this practical for us?
  32. All things had purpose to Christ. What purpose did all aspects of life share?
  33. 83:5 is nearly poetic. Flee folly. This is not a question if you understand what the paragraph teaches.


From chapter 9, “An Illustration of His Methods”


  1. Where do we find the most complete model of Christ’s method of Education?
  2. What method did Jesus especially use with the disciples to reproduce his character in them?
  3. The work of true education is to impart “_______________________ _______________”
  4. Note the family model as illustrated in this chapter. NaQ.
  5. Aside from his chosen disciples, what other class of people formed temporary positions in Christ’s family?
  6. Why were the disciples close (in proximity) to Jesus? (Do our sitting habits at teaching services and church reflect on our internal interest in the teacher’s message?)
  7. A. What disqualities would have prevented the pre-apostles from being chosen to become rabbi’s? B. What qualities were noticed and chosen by Jesus as qualifying them for the job of apostle?
  8. Where might we find men like these today?
  9. Was Jesus seeking a certain type of personality or temperament or educational level when selecting hid students?
  10. Jesus selected his students. Today student select their schools. Thing about this.
  11. What kind of unity must the apostles cultivate to be successful in their work? (three words)
  12. Four disciples received more time than others. Who were they? Why did they get more? Why did John get the most? Why did Judas get the second most?
  13. Which disciples’ history best illustrates Christ’s methods? Did his faults reduce the encouragement he should receive for his virtues?
  14. Memorize “To self-trust, trial is defeat.” Know tomorrow. J
  15. Jesus could not prevent Peter’s fall. How did He work, before Peter’s fall, to assure that Peter would rise again? How did he work during the fall? How did he work after the resurrection?
  16. Memorize 90:2. Know it by midterm. “Human beings… learn”
  17. A miracle of divine _____________________________ was Peter’s transformation.
  18. Why did Jesus refrain from directly rebuking Judas?
  19. Why did Jesus maintain Judas as a member of the twelve?
  20. Why did many of Christ’s motives and movements excite doubt in Judas?
  21. What principle took precedence in Judas’ life?
  22. When did the disciples recognize the value of their educational opportunities to learn from Jesus’ lips?
  23. Memorize 95:2. Due at midterm.
  24. What heavenly event was signified by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
  25. Memorize the statement of the Spirit’s impact on the disciples, 95:5. Due at midterm.
  26. “The presence of the same guide in educational work today will produce the same results as of old.” 96:2. What were these results? 95:6.


Christ’s Example in Contrast with Formalism, FE 438-441


  1. Briefly describe the problems with first century Jewish education from 438:2.
  2. How were minds repressed and narrowed by an education that succeeded in imparting a great deal of knowledge?
  3. What does “induced” mean? What does this word imply about the wishes of Christ’s parents? Were his other siblings home-schooled?
  4. What kind of requirements did Jesus ignore as a youth? Do such requirements exist today?
  5. In his youth, did Jesus decidedly condemn the maxims and meaningless forms of his day? In what gentle way did he show his non-approval (ie, he did not do something…)
  6. Jesus would not place himself under the instruction of those “___________________________________________________________”
  7. He taught that it was better to prevent evil than to” [complete the thought]
  8. When choosing a school, what selfless thought about his future followers did Christ keep in mind?
  9. In the Rabbinical schools Jesus could have challenged the teachers and given his fellow students a chance to hear the truth. Why didn’t He take this opportunity?
  10. In what aspect of Jesus’ life did he begin at a “very early” age to act for Himself?
  11. When brought in contact with the teachers of his day, how did the young Jesus communicate with them?
  12. Christ’s education seemed to be of a higher type than their own—so thought Christ’s detractors. Think about this.


For the Word Document: F_Education_08,_09,_FE_56