Guide D Ed ch 4 to 6

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By Eugene Prewitt

Hand-out 4

Philosophy of Adventist Education

Education chapters 4, 5 and 6


  1. Briefly, explain how it can be that two processes that look so different in most cases can be truly one. I am speaking of Education and Redemption.
  2. In what sense, or senses, might it be true that Jesus has lighted every man that has come into the world, as in Jn. 1:4, 9
  3. Sin destroys not only are ability to understand God, but even our _________ to understand him.


  1. Ellen White speaks of the “true teacher” and contrasts his aims with those who merely hope to make “clever accountants, skillful artisans,” etc. What other aims does the true teacher have?


  1. Ellen White briefly addresses the issue of “changed conditions” in chapter 4. In your own words, what does she say regarding the original plan of true education in relation to these changed conditions?


Regarding Chapter 5


  1. What are some benefits that come from a family-centered education?


  1. All you have to do for this question is notice something: Notice the model in the second paragraph for teachers to adapt their teaching style and method to the needs of their rebellious or otherwise needy students.


  1. This chapter twice mentions God’s “plan of life.” Both times it contrasts those that followed the plan and those that did not. What did those that did NOT follow the plan do in the two examples of the chapter?


  1. What preparation did God give to Israel before giving them the Law at Sinai? What was the method of the preparation? What was the desired outcome of the preparation?


  1. The Hebrews had a great need and weakness that had been caused by their idolatry in Egypt. How did God work to help them with that need?


  1. The law at Sinai was to impress them with their need and helplessness. The sanctuary was to teach them something more than this. What lessons was it to convey?


  1. God’s purpose in the sanctuary was that the worshippers might “read His” ____________________________. Paul gave evidence that he understood this.


  1. Ellen White speaks of an industrial school in the wilderness. The Bible identifies a few of the students by name, and also the teacher. Who were those students? Who was the teacher?


  1. Notice what Ellen White says about the order in the Hebrew camp. Notice what she wrote about the sanitary laws. What blessing was absolutely dependent on order and sanitation.


  1. What parts of Israelite life were too personal and private to be a matter of Divine Law?


  1. On page 41 EGW mentions a great variety of methods and illustrations used by God to cause the Hebrews to remember Divine principles. How were these symbols intended to prepare the mind of the people to receive instruction? In other words, what reaction were they intended to arouse?


  1. How did God blend special provision for the social needs of Israel with their needs for instruction in holy things? Thought question: For those that do not keep the Hebrew feasts, what practically could be done to gain some of the same benefits.


  1. In God’s educational method, every man needed a piece of ground to work. How did God organize Israel so that every man would indeed have a piece of ground? In most countries land become the possession of the wealthy.



Chap. 6 – The Schools of the Prophets


  1. “The Israelites surrounded themselves with _______________ that few had power to resist.”


  1. What two uses does Ellen White give to the word “prophet”? The schools of the prophets were to train students to be prophets of one kind by studying the writings of prophets of the other kind. Which type of prophet were they to be?


  1. The schools of the prophets could train only a small minority of the youth. What kind of positions did it train these youth to fill?


  1. More than be academically qualified, the teachers in these schools had another qualification. What was this?


  1. Samuel established two of these schools. What made these two cities special (simple answer, different for each one)?


  1. How were teachers supported, many of them at least, in the schools of the prophets?


  1. What were the four subjects of primary study at the schools of the prophets?


  1. Students in many religious schools are taught that they should pray, that they should draw near to God, that they should exercise faith in Him, that they should understand God’s word and obey It. How did the schools of the prophets go a step further than this?


  1. Financially, the reigns of David and Solomon were prosperous. Ellen White traces this back to a cause extant prior to their reign. What was the cause?


  1. Ellen White traces the decline of Israel, from its greatest glory. What experience does she indicate caused Israel to return to transgression?
  2. Solomon and David sincerely repented of their wrong. What impact did this have on the natural results of what they had done wrong?
  3. Thought question: Why does the chapter never mention Elijah and Elisha, the later restorers of the schools of the prophets?


For the Word Document: D_Education_04-06