Guide A A Speedy Preparation

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By Eugene Prewitt

Notes on FE 334 with questions and other


Handout Three

(Handout One was the terms for the philosophical part of this class, in case you wonder)


  1. What does the first paragraph tell us about the nature of Ellen White’s inspiration? Be prepared to discuss the word “urged.”
  2. How may deep impressions by the Holy Spirit be “depressed and quenched” by the plans and management of teachers?
  3. Discuss “delay should not be advised or allowed.” Should students over-anxious to add courses of study be expelled or refused the privilege of registration?
  4. How does ill-advised extension of the college program affect donors and sponsors?
  5. How does Ellen White’s pragmatism show itself in her axiological statement regarding the value of many years of study?
  6. How does Ellen White expand the use of the phrase “false prophets” from its application to those that claim to have had revelations and visions?
  7. What does this phrase mean “the ken of man”?
  8. Mrs. White writes that there is a day that God has appointed for the end of the world. Read the statement in context. Does she mean a certain day predetermined, preset?
  9. In an essay on Adventist Education EGW seems to branch off into a sermon on end-time events. Explain briefly how this topic fits her subject, how our eschatology ought to mould our educational axiology. What message does she urge must be kept repeatedly before the world and the church?
  10. What is the apparent epistemology of this statement “Let no one’s interpretation of prophecy rob you of the conviction of the knowledge of events which show that this great event is near at hand”?
  11. Ouachita Hills is adding building after building to its current campus. How does this accord with the counsel in this chapter regarding the extension of facilities at Battle Creek? How does EGW makes an illustration of the building issue in her article on speedy preparation?
  12. EGW wrote “They spend nearly all their time in the perusal of books; they seem to know but little else.” What else might she wish that they knew?
  13. That evil does EGW perceive would arise from giving students more studies than “absolutely necessary?”
  14. After speaking of long years of study, EGW speaks of several specific periods of time that are apparently short periods. What examples does she give of these periods that might be a blessing to large numbers of Adventist youth?
  15. Money is a big part of this article. If all students could place themselves through school without taxing the revenues of the church, would that make long years of study acceptable to God? Be prepared to explain your position.
  16. Examine the paragraph on 338 beginning “Christ’s work” and explain how it undermines the axiological position of parts of modern academia.
  17. Philosophy, a “love of knowledge”, carries certain dangers. What is a danger in loving knowledge? Be prepared to discuss the difference between the dangerous love of knowledge and the essential quality of “loving truth.”
  18. How much instruction did Jesus give? In other words, how did He determine how much information to share? Does this provide a model for how much information we should try to gather? Later in the chapter, what does EGW say about the disciples in this regard?
  19. EGW says students should be “pushed through” a quick course of study. We speak of the mistake of pushing students through public educational systems that can not read and write. How is our religious system so different that it is a virtue to push someone through?
  20. What branches of philosophy are touched by the following sentence: “In His gospel, God speaks not merely to benefit the growth of the mental capacity of man, but to instruct how the moral senses may be quickened”? What illustration does Ellen White give of this principle? Ought we to aspire to being able to interpret dreams and visions?
  21. In your own words, what personal qualities should students be careful to preserve while they study?
  22. Describe the employment axiology of Jesus. What does He value? What does He not value when choosing workers?

For the Word Doc, click here: A_FE_Speedy_Prep