Daniel 1 — Daniel the Model Man

May 6, 2013

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By Eugene Prewitt

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The Model Man

Daniel was not Jesus. We are not to look to him as the paragon of devoted living.

Nevertheless, Daniel holds a rare place in inspiration. He is one of three men that is used to illustrate the faithfulness of the last generation in Ezekiel 14. He is the one man that is used as a benchmark for measuring Lucifer’s wisdom in Ezekiel 28. He is the one prophet Jesus recommended to our study in Matthew 24. He is one righteous man of the Old Testament of whom we have no record of a wrong.

In fact, the testimony of the enemies of his public office was that they could find no fault in him except that he scrupulously kept the law of God. They knew him well enough that they didn’t expect any dirt to show up in the future either.

Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God. Da 6:5

Daniel cultivated purity as a slave to Babylon. He risked his life voluntarily to avoid the appearance of evil. And when threatened with death, he let his light shine before men that they might see his good works and glorify his Father in heaven.

Daniel, when gifted with understanding in visions and dreams, still took personal study of the Bible seriously. He fasted and prayed in connection with his efforts to comprehend the God’s messages. He studied the writings of his contemporary prophet, Jeremiah. Da 9:2.

Daniel worked to spare the lives of the wicked wise men of his realm. Daniel modeled meekness. He chose only the best of friends and boarded with them. Da 2:17.

Daniel risked sharing needed truth of the most unpleasant stripe. Yet he exhibited the utmost love and concern for the one rebuked by his words. Da 4. Then again, he knew when to refuse honors and to speak without mercy. In this he modeled the last generation during the time of trouble. Compare Da 5:22-23; EW p. 279-281; Re 3:9.

Daniel expressed profound tact in his dealings with those that were over him. Soon he was over them. Daniel remembered his spiritual friends when providence placed him in the highest place in the kingdom. Da 2:49.

Daniel’s life showed that he studied scripture. His prayers were model prayers, in harmony with God’s instruction through Solomon and by Moses. Daniel is one of only three persons known to have communed with Gabriel. He was, according to that angel, “greatly beloved.”

And there is more that could be said. He alone was told that he would stand in his lot in the end of the days. He is standing there now, showing us a better way to live while Babylon prospers around us.

See here for the Word Doc: Dan_1_-_Daniel_the_model_man