Forbid Them Not

Views: 4317

By Eugene Prewitt


What are the limits of church authority? Can your pastor forbid you

to have group Bible studies in your home? As a pastor, how can you slow down

the spread of heretical opinions? What rights do self-supporting workers have?

This article addresses these questions. It was published in Adventists Affirm.


  • Ed Brehm

    Forbid Them Not — Thanks so much for your article. I hope many of the local conference leaders will read and take the information of your article to God in prayer. Some of the conference offices are now saying, If we don’t agree with your theology, if we don’t agree with your ministry, if we don’t support the General Conference decisions in Session, then we will not allow you to preach the gospel in Adventist Churches in our conference. The times of Martin Luther have returned in the Adventist Church today.

    • Eugene Prewitt

      Thank you, Ed. Send it to as many as you know. Be faithful.

  • Prescella Francis

    Teacher… “Forbid them not” article , I can’t see it completely

    • Eugene Prewitt

      I think you need to click on a link for it. I will see if I can improve on this.